Joe Biden Celebrates Abortion, Calls Killing Babies “Health Care”

Joe Biden used the anniversary of Roe v. Wade to promote abortion and called the killing of 65.5 million unborn babies since Roe v. Wade “health care.”

Although three is no right to abortion and ending the lives of babies before birth permanently deprives them of liberty and freedom, Biden said, “Fifty-one years ago today, the Supreme Court recognized a woman’s constitutional right to make deeply personal decisions with her doctor—free from the interference of politicians. Then, a year and a half ago, the Court made the extreme decision to overturn Roe and take away a constitutional right.”

“As a result, tens of millions of women now live in states with extreme and dangerous abortion bans. Because of Republican elected officials, women’s health and lives are at risk. In states across the country, women are being turned away from emergency rooms, forced to go to court to seek permission for the medical attention they need, and made to travel hundreds of miles for health care,” he added.

This of course is totally false, as every single pro-life law in America fully allows pregnant women to get medical care — including for ectopic pregnancies and miscarriages.