Former Trump Press Secretary Serves up Surprise Praise for Biden on Fox News

This was actually a fairly good night for Joe Biden,” McEnany, a Fox News host, declared. “When you look at our voter analysis, only 10% said, ‘I would not vote for Joe Biden if he’s the nominee.’ He won a plurality of voters who said he was too old. He won a majority of voters who are upset about the Gaza war. So the divides in the Democrat Party – and this is a small sample size, but – perhaps aren’t as stark as one would think. But when you look at the Republican Party, seven in 10 Nikki Haley voters said, ‘I would not vote for Trump.’ There was a Des Moines Register poll, 43% said, ‘No, I wouldn’t vote for Trump.’”

Trump, who beat second-placed Nikki Haley in New Hampshire by just 12 points(currently, with 95% of the votes counted), was quick to berate his former top defender.

“I don’t need any advice from RINO Kayleigh McEnany on Fox,” the ex-president angrily declared on his Truth Social platform, “Just had a GIANT VICTORY over a badly failing candidate, ‘Birdbrain,’ and she’s telling me what I can do better. Save your advice for Nikki!”