Navy Seal Deaths Demonstrate Biden’s Disastrous Foreign Agenda

A pair of Navy Seals drowned during a Jan. 11 raid off the Somalian coast in which U.S. forces intercepted Iranian-made weapons bound for Houthi terrorists.

The U.S. military declared the two Seals dead following a 10-day search that covered 21,000 square miles. Their names were released Monday after the families were notified. Nathan Gage Ingram and Christopher J. Chambers are the latest American casualties in Middle East warfare, three years after the disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal that included the deaths of 13 service members. The U.S. military says 2,402 American soldiers died and 20,713 have been wounded in the U.S. war in Afghanistan.

The escalating turmoil in the Middle East is the direct consequence of a disastrous White House foreign policy of appeasing Tehran. In February 2021, soon after President Biden took office, the State Department delisted the Houthis as a Foreign Terrorist Organization (FTO) and as Specially Designated Global Terrorists (SDGT). The Trump administration had listed them just one month prior.

“Delisting the Houthi only encouraged their Iran-sponsored terrorist violence against Saudi Arabia and UAE, with almost no response from the United States,” wrote Victoria Coates, national security and foreign policy analyst at the conservative Heritage Foundation. “Now the Houthi have cast themselves as brothers to Hamas, their fellow Iranian proxy terrorists.”

The escalating turmoil in the Middle East is the direct consequence of a disastrous White House foreign policy of appeasing Tehran. In February 2021, soon after President Biden took office, the State Department delisted the Houthis as a Foreign Terrorist Organization (FTO) and as Specially Designated Global Terrorists (SDGT). The Trump administration had listed them just one month prior.

“Delisting the Houthi only encouraged their Iran-sponsored terrorist violence against Saudi Arabia and UAE, with almost no response from the United States,” wrote Victoria Coates, national security and foreign policy analyst at the conservative Heritage Foundation. “Now the Houthi have cast themselves as brothers to Hamas, their fellow Iranian proxy terrorists.”