It’s always the people you expect

There’s a fun saying we like to repeat to ourselves to make ourselves feel better to absolve ourselves of collective stupidity.

“It’s never the ones you’d expect.”

Except, well, they should be the ones we expect.

You probably know what I’m about to write before I even write it. We extremists who notice patterns (the worst kind of extremism, to be sure) have written memes since time immemorial to commemorate the exact story that unfolds here.

So, yes, it’s exactly what you’re thinking right now.
The Michigan State Police said in a press release that 43-year-old William Nicholas Horner and 42-year-old Stacey Jean Horner were arrested after an investigation found that they had allegedly looked at online files of child sexually abusive material.
Courtesy of reporter Andy Ngô, here are a few of William’s post under his transgender identity, “Ashley.”

The counts of criminal computer use carry a possible sentence of 10 years in prison, while the child porn possession counts carry the same possible sentence.
You’ll be destroyed if you notice the correlation here. Even stoic pastors, with their eyes turned heavenward, will tell you not to judge so hastily.
“You can’t tell if a middle-aged man with purple hair in a dress is a pedophile simply by looking at him,” they say. “After all, what would Jesus do?”
Well, as it so happens, Christ left a prescription for this kind of person and it involves giant stones, ropes, and deep water, but let’s not get ahead of ourselves.


Approved ~ MJM