Kari Lake’s Campaign Chair Doesn’t Trust Black Doctors

Photo Credit: Mark Peterson/Redux

He was also the architect of the infamous “Willie Horton” ad.

Floyd Brown, who says that he is the Campaign Chair for Kari Lake’s campaign for the US Senate, says that when he sees a black doctor he questions whether that person is truly qualified for the job. This comes right after another close Kari Lake confidant, Turning Point USA Founder Charlie Kirk, said that he doesn’t trust black airline pilots. Lake herself has repeatedly complained about “Lift Every Voice and Sing,” referred to by some of the Black National Anthem, being played before NFL games along with other songs.

Floyd is the founder of the right-wing publication Western Journal and is the former CEO of the USA Radio Network. His twitter page is mostly articles and clips from and about Kari Lake, with lots of right-wing conspiracies sprinkled in from people like Alex Jones, Elon Musk and Charlie Kirk. Floyd was also a founder of Citizen United, and helped to craft the infamous, racially-charged “Willie Horton” campaign ad which was used against Democratic presidential candidate Michael Dukakis in 1988.
