The RNC Shuttered Most of the Hispanic Community Centers It Touted as Critical to Winning Over Latino Voters

With Biden vulnerable with Hispanic voters, the GOP may have wasted a crucial opportunity.

During the 2022 cycle, the Republican Party made a commitment to Latino voters that hadn’t been seen before, touting nearly two dozen RNC Hispanic Community Centers in a high stakes gambit to attract Hispanic voters that have drifted away from the Democratic Party.

But four months after the grand opening of the Phoenix center, it was closed, along with most of the other centers, the RNC confirmed after The Messenger reached out. While the RNC touted opening 20 Hispanic community centers during the 2022 cycle, it said there are only five centers currently open, two of which were opened in 2023.

“In this case they went big and it sounds like they didn’t get the response from the community they intended,” he said.