“Twitter Files” reporter Matt Taibbi uncovers plot to stop Trump, democracy be damned

In his most recent work, a 4,200 word article that should have every American citizen concerned about the future of free and fair elections in the United States, Taibbi writes, “The 2024 presidential race increasingly looks like it will be decided by lawyers, not voters, as Democrats unveil plans for America’s first lawfare election… To ‘protect democracy,’ democracy is already being canceled. We just haven’t admitted the implications of this to ourselves yet.”

As Taibbi outlines, the Democrat establishment is already engaged in a systematic effort to ensure that Biden remains in the White House beyond 2024. One part of this effort is the series of lawsuits in a number of states to remove Trump from the ballot. Another is ensuring that Biden has no serious primary threat – something which has, according to Taibbi’s sources, been accomplished through threatening would-be challengers.

Meanwhile, the corporate media has launched a propaganda campaign to convince the American people that Trump would be a “dictator” were he to win this fall. Mainstream pundits and journalists have in unison begun hammering the line that Trump is an “existential threat to democracy” and suggesting that Trump would use the military to go after his personal enemies.

Most chillingly, as Taibbi describes, we’ve seen this same sort of effort before. As he relays and as many major news outlets reported in the months leading up to the 2020 election, a group called the “Transition Integrity Project” (TIP) – comprised of top power players in Democrat circles like current Secretary of Energy Jennifer Granholm and Hillary Clinton campaign manager John Podesta, as well as nominal “conservatives” who had become anti-Trump fanatics – had gathered to “wargame” contested election scenarios.

TIP participants were ostensibly concerned about Trump refusing to leave office if Biden won. But as Taibbi writes, the final TIP report on the election, published on August 3, 2020, “read like a year by year synopsis” of every Democrat effort to overturn Trump’s 2016 election victory, undermine his presidency, and now prevent his return to the White House.

For instance, TIP participants feared that Trump would “launch investigations into opponents” – which is exactly what Biden and Democrats are doing now to Trump. The TIP report also alleged that Trump would “use Department of Justice and/or the intelligence agencies to cast doubt on election results or discredit his opponents” – exactly what the Clinton campaign and the Democrat establishment attempted to do in 2016 with the infamous Steele Dossier and Russia Collusion Hoax.
