They pushed too far too fast, and Christians now have an opening

For Christians and traditionalist conservatives, the so-called culture war had been lost. Gone. Done. Pop culture had long embraced moral rebellion against God. But when the majority of the “right,” including Fox News, talk radio hosts, syndicated columnists, and elected officials joined the culture and stopped pretending to care about absolute truth, moral law, and the sanctity of life and family, it was done.

It was always going to end that way, of course. The natural progression of things is for liberty to decrease, authoritarian government to increase. The tragedy of life lived in a sin-stained world is that darkness will continue to spread even as it flees in terror from the light of truth.

So when abortion was the law of the land, when the world’s all-time bestseller was stricken from use in the American classroom, when alternative sexualities and the deconstruction of family all became part of the new State religion, it was clear that while Truth is always Truth regardless of man’s silly laws, this culture was no longer interested in submitting to it.

But something has happened, and it’s not too difficult to figure out what that is. The revolutionaries pushed too far, too fast. Once the moral stakes were yanked out of the ground, there was no hope that they could ever be arbitrarily thrown back down into the dirt in the hope that they could slow or stop the oncoming snowball of degeneracy that was building.

What is occurring right now around us is that the majority of the population – that is, people who are not religious but who are still tethered in some way to rationality – is recoiling at how anti-science, anti-reality, anti-common sense their cultural rebellion has become.

In short, the Ls, Gs, and Bs were different, but fine … whereas the Ts have lost their minds.


Approved ~ MJM