Gingrich: Carville Is Right, Trump Will Win If They Can’t Cut Him Down

NEWT GINGRICH: Well, I think James Carville said it perfectly on MSNBC when he said their job is to take basically a meat axe to Donald Trump every way they can. Because if they don’t cut him down in size, he’s going to clearly win. So every time you watch some weird thing happening, the recent case in New York is an example where it was total absurdity with a woman who could not even remember which year she was talking about, she gets an $83 million award. That’s just another meat axe.

Every time you turn around you are seeing the Democrats go at Trump every way they can. The amazing thing, and I think it’s a great tribute to the American people, is that most Americans now see through this. Most Americans understand that it’s all political. And by the way, on the border, remember Rasmussen just reported 69% of the American people side with Texas against the federal government. Only 27% support the federal government. And if you ask him strongly, 52% strongly favor Texas and only 15% strongly favor the federal government. That’s 3-and-a-half to 1.

These issues are dead losers for the Democrats. And frankly, it’s a good sign about the health of the American people that they’ve decided that having rapists, murderers, drug dealers, carjackers brought into the United States with no checks is just wrong. And they are going to punish a Democratic party which as recently as today had a large number vote against deporting people who clearly are a danger to the American people.