Donald Trump is not afraid to face the nation on Super Bowl Sunday — unlike Joe Biden

CBS should accept Donald Trump’s offer to be interviewed on Super Bowl Sunday.

After all, if Joe Biden refuses to take the traditional presidential pregame slot watched by millions of people, he has only himself to blame if his political rival one-ups him.

“Crooked Joe Biden has just announced that he will not be doing the big Super Bowl Interview,” Trump posted on Truth Social this week. “A great decision, he can’t put two sentences together.


That didn’t go down well with the president.

“No one tuning in to watch football this Sunday wants to hear Donald Trump say a damn thing about anything,” snarled Biden campaign communications director Michael Tyler.

It’s probably true that politics is the last thing the football audience want shoved down their throats as they settle in to watch the Chiefs vs. the 49ers Sunday.

But it’s a fair bet that more NFL fans are Trump voters than Biden voters.

As Trump says, he’s ratings gold.

Above all, giving Trump his primetime slot would teach Biden a lesson. It’s a lesson all self-respecting media should want to teach the president. He will get the message that if he leaves a vacuum, his opponents will fill it, and that being accountable for his actions is one of the most important responsibilities of a president.

It is presidential malpractice to be so inaccessible, especially when we are embroiled in two wars and our soldiers are dying in the Middle East.

Has there ever been a president so remote from the people?

This is the second year in a row he’s bailed on the Super Bowl interview. He can’t say he’s too busy. The presidential daily guidance issued by the White House is remarkably light on substance and heavy on lids.

All he seems to do, between long weekends in Delaware and extended vacations in the borrowed houses of billionaires, is meander from one desultory campaign event to another, cocooned inside Air Force One and the Beast. He blathers through a few scripted remarks and then wanders around sipping iced tea through a straw and saying nonsensical things to strangers like “Don’t jump!”

He hasn’t done a sit-down interview since October.
So much for bringing “transparency and truth back to the government.”

Doesn’t he want to take the opportunity to blame Trump for the border? Warn us off MAGA? Tell us we’re at an inflection point and it’s not your father’s Republican Party? He could tell us about his “sixth sense” for seeing dead people. The other day it was “Mitterrand from Germany — I mean, from France!,” who’s been dead since 1996. A couple of years ago, he saw German Chancellor Helmut Schmidt, who died in 2015. And who could forget “Where’s Jackie?”?

“In a lot of ways, this dinner sums up my first two years in office,” Biden told the last White House Correspondents’ Dinner. “I’ll talk for 10 minutes, take zero questions and cheerfully walk away.”

Yeah, not funny.

In place of a commander-in-chief who takes command, a leader of the free world who respects a free press, America — and, more worryingly, hostile foreign actors — get viral videos of the president falling up stairs, tripping over sandbags, getting lost on stage, nuzzling reluctant children, forgetting words like “Hamas,” yelling into a microphone and walking like a stiff Slender Man across the grass to his helicopter. Projecting weakness, in other words.

You can bet he won’t participate in election debates, either.


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