What do you make of this video?

This is a video YouTube just put in my way and… well… this blew my hippie noodle!

Questions for discussion:
1. Are established YHWH cults little more than secret societies?
2. Do the questions that some seem to be asking Islamic scholars remind you of me asking Christians about the OT here?
3. Are there parallels between the criticisms of Islam and Christianity?
4. Would any apply to Mormonism too? Catholicism? Those who haunt Kingdom Halls?
5. Could all these cults be right in their supernatural claims?
6. Could all these cults be wrong in their supernatural claims?
7. Is there any hypocrisy more blatant than religions defending the indefensible whilst pretending to be the untouchable truth?
8. Can you think outside the box you were born in?
9. Why did ancient Israelite religion advocate race-based slavery?
10. Why did ancient Roman religion hate on ancient Israelite religion?
11. Why did ancient Saudi Arabian religion hate on ancient Roman and ancient Israelite religion?
12. Why did recent American religion hate on recent Roman religion? And talking of race-based slavery…
13. Why should I believe a little old lady, just because she’s sweet, when she tells me that religions of God are religions of love?
14. Is it unspeakable hypocrisy to claim that a book is of divine origin whilst not having bothered to read it for yourself?
15. Did anybody at any point of this OP so far think of the Masons?
16. Who have I missed?
17. Can you tell an interesting story about YHWH cults by watching the dollar?
18. How is violence most often inspired and justified in the bitterest of disputes among humans?
19. If you had the power to see the end of human conflict, would you strive until your last heartbeat to achieve it?
20. What single question would you rather I had asked than any of these 20?

P.S. I do keep telling y’all:
The internet is where religions come to die.
Future historians will note well that the internet age is when religions came to die.

And just as a reminder of my true beliefs…

I believe that the vast majority of humans, religious or not, are, for the vast majority of the time:
And that they make the World the better for their part in it
But this despite their respective religions, not because of them.

If your religion fills you with fear of your human enemy, it has turned you into some other poor sop’s human enemy… through no fault of your own save your credulity.

Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.

P.S. It’s a scientific fact that there’s only one human race.