This isn’t complicated: End illegal immigration, save lives

Left-wing lunatics love to use this argument: If it saves one life, it’s worth it.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, they argued that we must force businesses to close, stop schools from schooling, and encourage parents to wrap their children in plastic and inject themselves with a never-ending supply of untested and ineffective science juice. Why? Because if it saves one life, it’s worth it.

During debates over the unalienable right confirmed by the Second Amendment, the argument pushed is that we must destroy this right in order to prevent mass shooting events. Why? Because if it saves one life, it’s worth it.

And whenever the subject of healthcare comes up, we are told that we simply must implement Bernie Sanders’ fever-dream idea of European socialist medicine. Why? Because if it saves one life, it’s worth it.

Of course, none of these policies would actually save any lives. But let’s focus on the logic: Any policy that supposedly saves a life is justified solely by that life saved. That’s the only metric they care about … apparently.

But when illegal immigration comes up, suddenly that metric goes out the window, even though policy enforcement would actually save lives.

Take Laken Riley — the young nursing student who was killed while jogging on University of Georgia’s campus — as an obvious and tragic example. The suspect is an illegal immigrant, who — by definition — was in this country illegally after being released by officials on multiple occasions despite previous criminal activity.

Every crime — let alone every violent crime — committed by an illegal immigrant is a result of immigration policy. If that illegal immigrant was not permitted to enter the country or remain in the country, their crimes would never have taken place.

So then why can’t we close the border and deport illegal immigrants if it will save one life?

Good question.

Because saving lives is never the Left’s real goal.


Approved ~ MJM