The New York Times is having a normal one today: Op-ed says Joe should go full Dark Brandon

Just another normal day for the super-objective, grounded-in-reason crew of The New York Times:



Let’s dive into this gem of an op-ed:

Enough already: It is time to unleash Dark Brandon on this soul-sucking downer of a presidential race. And the most obvious place to begin is to invite him to the State of the Union address.

This is a big moment for Mr. Biden. A sizable chunk of America has decided he is too frail and dotty to be commander in chief for a second term, and his team’s preferred approach to such concerns — pooh-poohing and whining about them — is not resonating. At least not in a good way. His State of the Union performance — and make no mistake, in an election year, this speech is high-level campaign theater — is the perfect opportunity to show rather than tell Americans that he still has the fire in the belly. When he steps behind the lectern, the president needs to slap on those aviators and start throwing some strategic punches.

Have you ever met Biden? The man was a gaffe machine back when his brain and leg muscles weren’t atrophied. You’re living in a fantasy world, lady!

Metaphorically, of course. No one wants the man to start a fistfight on the House floor wearing sunglasses.

Spicy Biden tends to play well with the public and the media.




Approved ~ MJM