Bidenomics Sucks, And So Does Joe And All Democrats

It’s weird watching Democrats try to convince Americans they simply don’t know how good they’ve got it. They cite random data points to insist people are uneasy and unable to pay their bills only because of their imagination. Of course, as I always say, if you control the unit of measure, you control everything. They cherry-pick data to make a general case that doesn’t come anywhere close to registering with individuals. It’s a lie by sleight of hand, and it will never work for anyone with half a brain cell in their head.

So, what do they point to to convince everyone they’ve got it made? One of those things makes them a special kind of evil – it’s the stock market.

When Donald Trump was President, he was constantly pointing out when the stock market would hit a new record high. When he did it, Democrats would mock it, screaming about how most Americans weren’t in the stock market, seemingly forgetting about 401(k)s. 

Even with that, however, Democrats attacked the idea that a record Dow Jones Industrial Average meant anything other than rich people getting richer.

Now, they’re touting a record stock market as a sign that Americans have it really good under Joe Biden. Hearing a leftist extol the virtues of a high stock market is odd, and then talking about how people’s 401(k)s is hilarious, especially when they’re trying to appeal to people under 60. 

Honestly, telling anyone not retired or about to be that they have it good because something they’re years away from being able to collect on is doing well at that moment shows a level of tone-deafness that might set a record. Young people are actually dipping into their retirement accounts because they can’t afford to buy a house pay rent or just make ends meet, so they’re paying a substantial tax penalty to survive. Bidenomics in action. 

You can’t take your 401(k) into a grocery store and make food more affordable, the Dow hitting 40,000 doesn’t make necessities cheaper or salaries higher, it just makes people who donate to Joe Biden’s reelection campaign recoup in short order the cash they gave to keep the person responsible for the misery in power. Gas prices remain unchanged in this scenario.

Bidenomics sucks, Joe Biden sucks, Democrats suck. If you’re having any economic problems, it is their doing. If you can’t find a job, if an illegal alien is getting tax money for their housing, food, and general life, that’s because Democrats favor them over you. If you can’t fill your car with gas, can’t pay your rent, can’t afford a home, can’t buy much beyond ramen without making sacrifices elsewhere, thank a Democrat, especially Joe Biden.