‘FYI’: White House turns claim that Joe Biden banned religious egg designs around on Trump

Trump and other MAGA-worlders melted down over the alleged change, represented by a White House invitation for children from families of the National Guard to submit artwork to appear on the traditional holiday event, and also to ensure eggs kindly refrain from using religious symbols of any kind.

“*Fyi on all the misleading swirl re White House and Easter: the American Egg Board flyer’s standard non-discrimination language requesting artwork has been used for the last 45 years, across all Dem & Republican Admins—for all WH Easter Egg Rolls —incl previous Administration’s,” she reported on Saturday.

“Also: looks like MAGA God Donald Trump ‘banned religious-themed egg designs’ from the WH contest too, as has every WH for the last 45 years,” Favreau wrote.

White House Deputy Communications Director Herbie Ziskend also drew attention to the statement pointing fingers back at Trump, as did Jesse Lee, a former economic communications official for Biden and a senior advisor to Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

“For anybody on the fence about buying a Trump Bible to fund his porn star hush money defense, he’s lying about Easter now too so maybe don’t,” Lee wrote Saturday.