Joe Biden Faces ‘Clear’ Evidence He Lied in Impeachment Probe—Attorney

In December, the House of Representatives voted to launch an impeachment inquiry into Joe Biden in a 221-212 vote, with members voting along party lines. Republicans allege that while serving as vice president under President Barack Obama, Biden used his influence to improperly support the business activities of his son, from which they suggest he gained financially. The president has said he had no involvement with Hunter’s business dealings

Republican Rep. James Comer proposed in a letter Thursday that Biden appear on April 16 to testify before the committee. Comer cited testimony at last week’s public hearing from former business associates of Hunter Biden — Tony Bobulinski and Jason Galanis — in which Comer said their testimony contradicted statements the president has made about his involvement in his son’s business dealings.

“It is now clear that the President lied during his campaign and during his presidency on his lack of knowledge of his son’s business activities as well as his denial of any money gained from China…Now, the Committee has laid out the considerable evidence showing that the President had lied, knowingly and repeatedly,” Turley wrote.

Polls show that fewer Americans say the president was involved in his son’s business dealings. A Harvard CAPS/Harris survey in March found that 56 percent said that Biden “helped and participated in Hunter Biden’s business,” a 3 percent decrease from February’s survey.