Matt Walsh: “Native tribes were five thousand years behind the civilized world … The fact that they were also high all the time perhaps should tell us something”

Walsh: “We know that a society where people smoke tobacco constantly and drink whiskey from morning to night can also be a highly functional, highly successful society”

Native Americans smoked, and so it is part of American heritage. And, you know, I think it’s true that Indian tribes had marijuana. But even if it wasn’t marijuana, you know, the native tribes, they smoked peyote. They had other kinds of drugs with hallucinogenic properties. The shamans, the witch doctors, they were always tripping on something. Right? So it is probably true that the — even if it wasn’t exactly marijuana, it — it’s probably true that the drug habits of Native American tribes are closer to the drug habits of Americans today. Like, there’s a similarity. But think about that for a second. Because native tribes were five thousand years behind the civilized world. ARTICLE HERE