Arizona GOP Plan to File Competing Abortion Ballot Measures to Confuse Voters

A internal party powerpoint presentation obtained by NBC news details Arizona Republican strategy for November, including plans to file competing ballot initiatives on abortion legalization in that state to confuse voters.

One slide on the powerpoint reads, “PHASE 2: SEND VOTERS TWO OTHER OPTIONS THAT CONFLICT WITH AAA INITIATIVE,” referring to the Arizona for Abortion Access ballot measure, which would enshrine access to abortion in the state constitution. The Arizona for Abortion Access campaign recently announced they had obtained more than enough petition signatures for the measure to appear on the November ballot.

The document proposes various confusing names for the alternative Republican ballot measures, which would be sent to the ballot directly by the legislature to avoid the signature process. Such titles included the “Protecting Pregnant Women and Safe Abortions Act,” the “Arizona Abortion and Reproductive Care Act” and the “Arizona Abortion Protection Act.”

Despite the soft-sounding titles, one proposed measure listed in the document would outlaw abortion after 15 weeks in the state constitution. Arizona GOP even contemplate lowering the ban to 14 weeks in a section of the document that reads: “Could scale back 15-week law to 14-week law. In reality, a 14-week law disguised as a 15-week law because it would only allow abortion until the beginning of the 15th week.”

The document presents the competing initiatives as “something other than the extreme abortion-on-demand AAA Initiative.”



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