Trump Rejects Several Female Jurors as Not His Type

Judge Juan M. Merchan reprimanded Donald J. Trump on the first day of his hush money trial after he rejected a number of prospective female jurors as “not my type.”

The judge declared Trump out of order when he commented that one of the women was “a 5 or a 6 at best.”

“This is what happens when Joe Biden controls the justice system,” Trump said. “He doesn’t know how to pick women. I ran beauty pageants.”

Looking at the panel of jurors, he added, “This should never be allowed to happen in this country.”

Trump’s legal woes worsened further when his entire team of attorneys suddenly pleaded insanity.

The lawyers said they were claiming to be insane “on the grounds of expecting to ever be paid.”

In a nightmare scenario for Trump, Rudy Giuliani has volunteered to defend him
