Donald Trump’s Polling Numbers Plummet With Independents

Donald Trump’s polling among independent voters is tumbling ahead of the presidential election, according to a new poll.

A crucial body of voters that the pair will need to court is independents. But, according to a Marist National Poll of 1,192 registered voters, Trump may find this difficult as his support among independents has declined from 38 percent in early April to 30 percent in a multi-candidate field that includes Robert F. Kennedy Jr.Cornel West and Jill Stein. Biden has increased his share from 33 percent to 34 percent among independents, and Kennedy’s support among independents has increased to 27 percent from 21 percent.

When two candidates are offered, Trump and Biden are tied among independents and both have 49 percent of the vote. But in the previous Marist National Poll, Trump had a 7 percentage point lead over Biden among this demographic with 52 percent to Biden’s 45 percent.
