President Biden Has His ‘Fine People on Both Sides’ Moment

President Joe Biden weighed in on the latest pro-Hamas uprising among American college students that began at Columbia University and has spread to other schools around the country on Monday afternoon and only made things worse — after his ham-fisted attempt at a written statement on the topic didn’t go well either.

Biden was asked whether he condemned the antisemitic demonstrations taking place on campuses — which have risen to the level that Jewish students are being told to flee because their safety can’t be guaranteed at school.

“I condemn antisemitic protests and that’s why I set up a program to deal with that,” Biden responded (more on why that’s a lie here). “I also condemn those who don’t understand what’s going on with the Palestinians,” the president added.

While Biden was, as usual, unclear with his answer to the question about condemning antisemitic demonstrations, he also felt the need to condemn an unspecified group of people who “don’t understand what’s going on with the Palestinians.” What exactly is he talking about? The entirely unnecessary addition made Biden’s answer his very own “fine people on both sides” moment.