The Left’s Phony ‘Fake Electors’ Crusade Ramps Up As 2024 Election Draws Closer

The litigious left has run into some problems trying to sell its legally flawed narrative that alternate electors for Trump tried to overthrow the 2020 election.

Perhaps not surprisingly, swing state leftist prosecutors are ramping up the phony “fake electors” show trials, with Biden v. Trump 2.0 little more than six months away. And the Trump-hating accomplice media will be aiding and abetting this specialized brand of lawfare every step of the way.

But the litigious left has run into some problems trying to sell its legally flawed narrative that former President Donald Trump, along with his campaign attorneys and supporters, unlawfully used an alternate electors strategy to subvert the results of the 2020 elections.

“I think these are political prosecutions that are outside of the law,” said Hans von Spakovsky, a senior legal fellow at Edwin Meese III Center for Legal and Judicial Studies. “Quite apart from the historical precedent for the moment, keep in mind that what these individuals did in Arizona, Georgia, and elsewhere is get alternate electors to be ready as a contingency if it was decided the election should be overturned.”

There’s nothing illegal about that, von Spakovsky said.