After Bending the Knee to Hamas, Biden Learns the Hard Way That You Can Never Be Woke Enough

It’s been a shameful couple of days for the United States, led by the worst president in the nation’s history. As RedState reported, Joe Biden decided to withhold arms shipments to Israel after it began its operation in Rafah, the last stronghold of Hamas.

Speaking to CNN’s Erin Burnett, a defiant and politically desperate Biden sought to appease the antisemitic, pro-terrorist contingent within his party by throwing the long-time American ally under the bus. Just when you think he can’t go lower, he manages to do so.

If Israel goes after the last remaining Hamas stronghold to eliminate the terrorist movement and free any hostages who happen to remain alive, Biden said, “we’re not going to supply the weapons and artillery shells used.”

Later in the interview, the president tried to soften his threat, claiming that Israel should “Focus on, and we’ll help you focus on getting the bad guys.” The bad guys are in Rafah. There is no path to defeating Hamas without taking the area and destroying the network of terror tunnels. Biden has offered no alternative strategy despite continually lecturing Israel on how they are propagating a war they didn’t start.

That’s because he doesn’t have one. At this point, he’s just talking, and every word that comes out of his mouth decrying Israel is meant to satiate voters in Islamist hotspots like Dearborn, MI. Biden feels the election slipping from his grasp and chants of “genocide Joe” go forth from his far-left base. How’s that outreach program going? Not very well.