Biden Spreads Hoax About Trump, Confuses World Leaders Again, and That’s Not the Worst Part

Joe Biden is out on the West Coast to campaign.

But unfortunately, even out there, he’s still Joe Biden so you know falsehoods and unbelievable tales will follow.

At a private fundraiser in Portola Valley, Biden tried to attack former President Donald Trump. But he did so with a debunked hoax.

“Remember him saying the best thing to do is just inject a little bleach in your arm? That’s what he said. And he meant it. I wish he had done a little bit himself,” Biden said.

That’s despicable that he’s wishing ill on his opponent.

While Reuters covered what Biden said, they didn’t call out the Biden hoax. In fact, they seemed to back it up with what they said.

President Joe Biden joked on Friday that he wished former President Donald Trump had injected himself with a little bleach, resurrecting one of Trump’s more head-scratching moments from the early days of the coronavirus pandemic.

No, Reuters, that’s not what he said.

So Reuters not only didn’t do its job of fact-checking Biden’s lie but they appeared to continue it.

On top of that, while they concentrated on the hoax, Biden made a huge mistake referring to Kim Jong Un as the leader of South Korea, when he tried to attack Trump. But Joe only exposed how confused he was, “I’ll never forget his love letters for South Korean President Kim Jong Un.”

How bad is it when Biden can’t even keep basic information that Kim Jong Un is the leader of North Korea straight in his head? He’s actually met the South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol multiple times. He previously mistakenly called him President “Loon.”