Biden Tried to Keep These Calls With Israel Hidden. Here’s What’s Been Going on.

The New York Times’ lengthy article about the ongoing tension between Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Joe Biden illustrated that our president is ahead of his skis and supremely confident in his foreign policy credentials, for which he has none. It comes as the Biden administration has decided to curtail military aid to the Jewish state in protest of their operation in Rafah, the last remaining Hamas stronghold in Gaza.

Reportedly, Biden threatened to pull US support for Israel two months ago but kept it hidden to avoid a “public blowup.” It’s a detailed history of Biden thinking he could influence Israel from behind the scenes. It also showed that despite his mental decline, the president, for a time, showed ironclad support for Israel, ignoring the pro-Hamas aides that infest this administration. The errant World Central Kitchen strike changed the equation. However, the notion that this insipid and weak man could influence anything while being dead wrong on every major American foreign policy venture for the past 40 years is hilarious. Biden is a textbook case of how experience doesn’t mean anything if you’re always wrongOne of the primary reasons why Biden was trying to get Israel to hold off was to avoid our mistakes in Iraq and Afghanistan. This war isn’t the same thing, Joe.

Joe thinks he as political powers—he doesn’t. He never did. He’s always been seen as a bumbling fool, cantankerous, and now someone who carries with him an aura of accomplishment that never existed.