Amendment Abolishing Slavery Missing from Trump’s Bible


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Wikimedia Commons / God Bless the USA Bible
Amendment Abolishing Slavery Missing from Trump’s Bible
Trump’s endorsed God Bless the USA Bible omits other key constitutional provisions
J.D. Wolf1 hour ago
The God Bless the USA Bible that endorsed and began selling for $59.99 a pop during Holy Week, packages the King James Version Bible along with the lyrics to God Bless the USA, the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and the Pledge of Allegiance. As it turns out, Trump’s Bible is missing some key pieces important to voters.

Greenwood : Trump
“A Total Scam”– Trump’s Endorsed Bible Has a History of Negative Reviews
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Multiple video reviews analyzed by MeidasTouch revealed that notably missing from the Constitution in Trump’s Bible are the amendments following the Bill of Rights which make up the Constitution’s first 10 amendments. Trump’s Bible jumps from the original Constitution to the Bill of Rights and then to the Pledge of Allegiance, skipping constitutional amendments 11-27.



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