Donald Trump Jr. Photographed Holding Severed Elephant’s Tail?

Image courtesy of X account @creepydotorg

Some social media users questioned whether the image was real or the product of digital editing.

On May 15, 2024, the X account @creepydotorg posted a photo allegedly showing Donald Trump Jr. posing with an elephant’s tail in his hand. The caption read: “Donald Trump Jr. holding the tail of an elephant he just cut off.”

The post had amassed more than 520,000 views at the time of this writing. Similar posts appeared on Reddit and X with the same claim.

Multiple X users questioned the veracity of the image, asking whether it was real or the product of digital software.

Snopes found multiple articles featuring the photo, as well as two posts on X authored by Trump Jr. responding to criticism of such images. The in-question photo was purportedly taken during an African hunting trip in 2010 or 2011 (sources vary on when the trip occurred), though its photographer was unknown. That said, Snopes found no signs of digital manipulation and had no reason to doubt its authenticity. We have rated this claim “True.”


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