Trump casually threatens to use FBI as his Gestapo in private conversations: ex-aide

Donald Trump casually discusses using the FBI as his secret police to punish enemies, according to a former White House aide.

“He uses the word Gestapo privately,” Scaramucci said. “He’s told defense lawyers, ‘I’m going to use the FBI like the Gestapo.’ The only thing is, he’s never read history so he doesn’t even know what the Gestapo really is. It is dangerous, it is incredibly dangerous. But he’s done a magnificent job of what I call the ‘lie combover.’ The hair is combed over. But it’s combed over, every day when he gets out and says another lie: ‘This is ridiculous, this is false, don’t listen, don’t pay attention.’ He knows through propaganda, the reinforcement of a lie, saying it over and over and over again, there’s millions of people that believe him, even though they can see the thing clearly, they believe him. That’s a danger. That has worked throughout civilization, that worked in Nazi Germany, it worked in other places in the government. It’s worked in Africa. It works in South America. It’s his playbook, and he uses it every day.”

R&I – TP


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