Will You Accept the Election Results? Republicans Dodge the Question.

Less than six months out from the presidential contest, leading Republicans, including several of Donald Trump’s potential running mates, have refused to commit to accepting the results of the election, signaling that the party may again challenge the outcome if its candidate loses.

In a series of recent interviews, Republican officials and candidates have dodged the question, responded with nonanswers or offered clear falsehoods rather than commit to a notion that was once so uncontroversial that it was rarely discussed before an election.

The evasive answers show how the former president’s refusal to concede his defeat after the 2020 election has ruptured a tenet of American democracy — that candidates are bound by the outcome. Trump’s fellow Republicans are now emulating his hedging well in advance of any voting.


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Article URL : https://sg.news.yahoo.com/accept-election-results-republicans-dodge-144921613.html