The democrats pretend….

Day after day, Americans who tune in to CNN, MSNBC, NBC, CBS, ABC or mind-numbed programs like The View will hear the usual variety of attacks on President Trump and whole-hearted defenses of Joe Biden, as if he is a viable candidate for re-election and fully qualified to be president.  Surely, they are aware of his dismal record on every score — foreign, domestic, militarily, his insistence on an open border, his embrace of all things woke.  One can assume they see all the speeches he attempts to deliver but regularly botches, either because he can no longer read the teleprompter or reads what is not meant to be read aloud such as “pause” or “repeat the line.”  The man slurs so much as to be unintelligible.  He comes across as either angry or thoroughly dulled, probably depending on what drug cocktail he is being administered. He either shouts or mumbles.  His speech at Morehouse College was absurd; pessimistic, racially divisive, and nonsensical.   He is a dead man barely walking.  In short, his swiftly worsening dementia is painfully obvious to everyone and yet the Democrats continue to pretend he is sharp and capable.

Who do they think they are fooling?  The people who live in the woods without access to any media?  How do they fool themselves when the reality of his condition is so evident?  They are all, Joe and Mika, Joy Behar, Joy Reid, AOC and her ilk, every pundit and guest on the aforementioned cable outlets, deluding themselves.  The majority of the American people see what they see — a man declining mentally and physically before their eyes.  Their emperor Joe has no clothes, but his advocates think he’s fully clothed and competent.  They are pretending.

Will he debate Trump in June?  Highly doubtful.  He agreed to debate in a pinch, or rather his handlers did, knowing that they could and most probably will come up with an excuse to cancel.  Biden is so clearly not up to debating Trump, without drugs and/or an earpiece.  If he can’t get through a short speech that is displayed on a teleprompter, how can he respond to debate questions, even if he is given those questions ahead of time which we all know he would be.  Jake Tapper is one of those pretending Biden is capable, but even he and Dana Bash will not be able to help poor Joe appear sentient.  His brain is gone, over and done.  His wretched wife, if she had an ounce of actual feeling for the man, would never have let him agree to run again.  She so badly wants to be Edith Wilson redux.  She is a craven narcissist who has sullied the office of First Lady.

We’ve long known that Trump-derangement is a real thing, a form of sudden onset mental illness.  For inexplicable reasons, beyond the fact that Trump was and remains a political outsider, the left’s hatred of the man is pathological.  Despite their early and unending campaign to destroy him, beginning with the Russia hoax, he has prevailed, and come back for more of their toxic loathing.  The four years of Trump’s presidency  were the most peaceful, the most economically optimistic, until the probably planned and executed covid pandemic brought American life to a near halt.  That perhaps explains the Democrats’ and neo-con warmongers’ disdain for Trump; they need a war (or wars) to maintain their luxury lifestyles.  They get rich when there is a war or wars going on somewhere.  They got their wish.


Approved ~ MJM