Do religious believers believe that they have good reason for their religious beliefs?

I stopped to have a chat with the group running a Jehovah’s Witness stand on the high street the other day… it was a fun experience and I might well start to seek them out 😀

Anyhoo… during the conversation (which lasted over half an hour, in the end), I had cause to ask whether they sincerely believed that they had a good reason for their faith. All that they could offer by way of good reasons to believe a word of any of their nonsense was….. drumroll, please….. prophecy! Specifically, Daniel. And they admitted that some scholars had it as vaticinium ex eventu. Despite this, they did SEEM to sincerely believe that they had good reason (they just couldn’t provide one).

Now… I know that SOME religious believers admit that they don’t have good reasons (and say things like “that’s why they call it faith”).

My question is really this, though: do you think that religious believers who CLAIM to have good reasons for their faith SINCERELY believe that they have good reasons?

Oh, and of course… for all you religious folk out there (yes, including those of you who refuse to self-identify as religious when we all know you are): if you DO sincerely believe that you have good reasons for your faith, please… do share!