What is Project 2025 and what does it have to do with a second Trump term?

Conservatives have created a guide for how Trump and allies could dismantle the US government if he wins the election

Heavyweight conservatives joined together to create a roadmap for a potential second Trump presidency, and they are working to recruit and train the people who would work in an incoming conservative administration.

Project 2025 details across more than 900 pages how Trump and his allies could dismantle and disrupt the US government. It suggests ridding the federal ranks of many appointed roles and stacking agencies instead with more political appointees aligned with and more beholden to Trump’s policy prescriptions.

Led by the rightwing Heritage Foundation, the project showcases a federal government that cracks down intensely on immigration, vanquishes LGBTQ+ and abortion rights, diminishes environmental protectionsoverhauls financial policy and takes aggressive action against China.

What is Project 2025?

Project 2025 has four pillars to extend conservative influence throughout the US government, starting with a lengthy roadmap. Alongside the document, the group is creating a database of potential personnel for an incoming Trump administration, as well as training them on how the government should work as part of a “Presidential Administration Academy”. The final step will be a presidential transition playbook that seeks to help the next president hit the ground running once he takes office.

Project 2025’s guidebook, called Mandate for Leadership: The Conservative Promise, steps through government agencies one by one, laying out ways an incoming conservative president could do away with Biden administration directives and organize around rightwing ideals.

The ideas in the conservative manifesto, published early last year, were the culmination of dozens of rightwing groups and are written in many cases by Trump allies or former Trump appointees. They represent a conservative consensus and are intended to help the right speak collectively about what they want an incoming president to do in office.

The project doesn’t specifically say it’s intended for Trump, but that any conservative president could take its mantle and run with it, though the themes throughout the guidebook are aligned closely with Trump’s policy aims in many cases.

Who is behind it?


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