‘Falling off the cliff’: Dementia expert shows 4 ways Trump is exhibiting ‘shocking decline’

One prominent psychologist and psychotherapist is warning that former President Donald Trump is deep in the throes of cognitive decline, and that his dementia is only worsening by the day.

For his Substack newsletter, attorney Jay Kuo interviewed Dr. John Gartner, the founder of Duty to Warn. Gartner’s organization is a collection of mental health professionals sounding the alarm about the former president’s declining mental faculties since he took office in 2017. In his interview, Gartner laid out four examples that he says show proof that Trump is teetering ever closer to full-blown dementia.

First, Gartner explained that, to him, Trump has shown a “decline from baseline” since he first announced his run for the presidency in 2015. He argued that while the 45th president of the United States used to speak “in polished paragraphs with a sophisticated vocabulary,” he now is exhibiting a “shocking decline in verbal fluency” and “often can’t finish a sentence or even a word.”

“Typical of dementia patients, he repeats himself and overuses superlatives and filler words,” Gartner said. “Based on his current accelerating rate of decline, it seems very unlikely that Trump could see out a second term without falling off the cliff and becoming totally incapacitated.”
