Steve Bannon Vows Purge if Donald Trump Wins Election

May 29, 2024


Steve Bannon has discussed plans to have federal departments like the Department of Justice be “purged” if former President Donald Trump wins the 2024 election.

Bannon, Trump’s former White House chief strategist, named the DOJ and the FBI as two agencies that are at risk of being stripped down if Trump, the presumptive Republican nominee, is inaugurated as president on January 20, 2025.

The remarks made during an episode of Bannon’s WarRoom podcast echo proposals set out under Project 2025, a conservative guideline led by the right-wing Heritage Foundation think tank on how the next conservative administration could dismantle the United States government and replace it with one more in line with Trump’s MAGA agenda, including an overhaul of the DOJ and taking steps to make it easier to fire federal workers.

The Democratic National Committee has accused the project of helping Trump “enact his dangerous agenda to be a ‘dictator on day one.'” In December 2023, Trump was asked at a Fox News town hall to promise not to “abuse power as retribution against anybody.” He replied, “Except for day one.”

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Bugs Marlowe

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