Trump congratulates Alito for rejecting recusal calls amid flag flap

He said the justice showed “INTELLIGENCE, COURAGE, and ‘GUTS.’”

Donald Trump praised Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito for rejecting calls to recuse himself from two pending cases involving the former president or January 6 attack on the Capitol after the conservative justice faced criticism over flags his wife flew over their private residences that called into question judicial ethics.

In a Truth Social post, Trump said “congratulations” to Alito for “showing the INTELLIGENCE, COURAGE, and ‘GUTS’ to refuse stepping aside from making a decision on anything January 6th related.”

On Wednesday, Alito wrote a letter to members of Congress stating that the two separate incidents at his properties, which included flying an upside down flag in 2021 and a Revolutionary War-era “Appeal to Heaven” flag last year, “do not meet the conditions for recusal” described by the Supreme Court’s code of ethics. Alito said that his wife was responsible for flying flags, which critics say are associated with efforts to overturn the 2020 election results and Christian Nationalists.

“My wife is fond of flying flags,” Alito stated. “I am not.” He went on to describe his wife displaying flags supporting sports teams, colleges, and state and local flags over the years.


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