Wisconsin AG Files Phony ‘Fake Elector’ Charges Anyway After Admitting GOP Plan Was Legal

‘Now Democrats are weaponizing Wisconsin’s judiciary,’ U,S. Sen. Ron Johnson said after Attorney General Josh Kaul announces charges against Trump lawyers.

t was only a matter of time before Wisconsin’s far-left attorney general bowed to leftist pressure and filed charges against former President Donald Trump’s representatives in a politically driven investigation into “false electors.” The timing is curious, however — with the charges dropping just a few days after a Manhattan kangaroo court found Trump guilty in a Soviet-style show trial. 

Attorney General Josh Kaul held a crowded press conference Tuesday on the steps of the State Capitol to announce felony charges tied to the 2020 plan by Trump campaign attorneys to draft a slate of alternate electors in the event a recount in the closely contested swing state or a court ruling found the Republican president had defeated Democrat challenger Joe Biden. 

Kaul, as Democrats demanded, alleges attorneys Kenneth Chesebro and Jim Troupis engaged in a scheme to enlist 10 “false electors” to help Trump’s alleged attempt to overturn Biden’s victory in the Badger State. The attorney general’s charges against the attorneys, along with political operative Michael Roman, massage a state forgery-uttering law to accuse the defendants of knowingly promoting a false slate of electors as authentic, or at least uttering as much. 

The three men each face a maximum sentence of up to six years in prison and a $10,000 fine if found guilty of the Class H felony. 

“This is an investigation into alleged criminal conduct, and we’re gonna follow the facts wherever they lead,” Kaul said. “The investigation is not focused on any particular person, but on those facts, and what information we can gather, and then making a determination based on the law,” Kaul told reporters hungry for the latest get-Trump headline.

‘Weaponizing Wisconsin’s Judiciary’

“I think these are political prosecutions that are outside of the law,” Hans von Spakovsky, a senior legal fellow in the Heritage Foundation’s Edwin Meese III Center for Legal and Judicial Studies told me last month about Democrats’ prosecutions against Republican alternate electors. “Quite apart from the historical precedent for the moment, keep in mind that what these individuals did in Arizona, Georgia, and elsewhere is get alternate electors to be ready as a contingency if it was decided the election should be overturned.” 

There’s nothing illegal about that, von Spakovsky, a former member of the Federal Election Commission, said.


“Now Democrats are weaponizing Wisconsin’s judiciary,” the Republican wrote Tuesday on his X account. “Apparently conservative lawyers advising clients is illegal under Democrat tyranny.”

“Democrats are turning America into a banana republic.”