Fact-checking former President Donald Trump’s speech in Phoenix

President Trump:

“Less than 4 years ago, I handed Joe Biden the strongest, most secure border in U.S. history. We built 571 miles of Border Wall. We ended ALL catch-and-release. We shut down asylum fraud. We had Remain in Mexico, Safe Third Agreements, and Title 42. And we brought illegal immigration to the lowest level on record.”

Fact Check:

There were higher numbers during earlier years of the Trump administration and even lower numbers during Obama (FY 2011 – 327,577 | FY 2012 – 356,873 | FY 2015-331,333). Source: CBP Historical Data

According to Politifact, Trump has wavered on how much wall he has built. In a July 2023 rally, he said he built “nearly 500 miles” of wall. Trump’s administration built 52 miles of new primary border barriers—the first impediment people encounter if they’re trying to cross the southern border with Mexico—that can block access either for people on foot or for vehicles—where there were none before.

U.S. Customs and Border Protection data shows that the administration built 458 miles of primary and secondary border barriers. The majority were replacements for smaller, dilapidated barriers. There were lower numbers during the Obama administration (FY 2011 – 327,577 | FY 2012 – 356,873 | FY 2015-331,333) Source: CBP Historical Data

President Trump:

“Under Biden, the world is emptying out their prisons, insane asylums, and mental institutions—and sending us their most vicious criminals, savage gang members, and sadistic cartels.”

Fact Check:

There is no factual basis to this statement, according to a CNN Fact Check

President Trump:

“If Joe Biden wins this election, he wants to turn every single illegal alien that he let in across the border into a voting citizen. I believe this is the only reason this is happening…”

Fact Check:

According to Politifact “Trump provided no evidence for this scheme. Only U.S. citizens can vote in federal elections, and proven incidents of noncitizens casting ballots are rare. Even immigrants who arrive now and apply for citizenship won’t be able to vote for more than a decade because of the lengthy citizenship process.”