Morning Briefing: Far Right Anti-LGBTIQ Groups Target Pride Events

During the first weekend of Pride Month, far right anti-LGBTIQ groups targeted Pride events in Texas, Louisiana, and North Carolina.

Morning Briefing: On the first day of Pride Month in Dallas, Texas, far right anti-LGBT activists spent the day targeting attendees of the Dallas Pride Music Festival. Kelly Neidert, self proclaimed Christian fascist, was joined by members of the New Columbia Movement, far right Christian Nationalist group, and posted several videos of families entering the venue hosting the event.

Sara Gonzales, executive director of the anti-GLBTIQ group Defend Our Kids Texas, posted multiple videos on social media of the Dallas Pride Parade, including video which appeared intended to be criticism of the participation of Dallas Police Department officers. Gonzales rhetorically asked, “Do these officers inspire confidence in DPD?”

The North Carolina chapter of the Proud Boys, the far right violent extremists group, posted on the Cape Fear Proud Boys channel on Telegram, that the group “sent Proud Boys to eight different pride events” in North Carolina, and asserted that only one event permitted participation of all ages: “Highwire Brewing on Princess St. in Willington, NC has made the groomer list.” 

TFP Student Action, the student group affiliated with the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP America), a far right group associated with radical traditionalist Catholics, is targeting Our Lady of Grace Church in Hoboken, New Jersey, for the church planning to hold a “Pride Mass” on Sunday, June 23th.

In 2023, there were “the highest number of active anti-LGBTQ+ and white nationalist groups” ever recorded, according to a new report published by the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC). The report found “1,430 hate and antigovernment extremist groups that comprise the organizational infrastructure upholding white supremacy in the U.S.”ARTICLE HERE