Tennessee Attorney General Skrmetti stands out from other Republicans. Can he keep it up?

Tennessee Attorney General Jonathan Skrmetti is not posing with conservative influencers like other Republicans and he condemned violence against liberal ‘political activists.’ Is he the real deal?

I wish to acknowledge a faint glimmer of hope I discerned whilst doom scrolling following the recent criminal conviction of the presumptive Republican nominee for the President of the United States.

Throughout our country, we’ve watched the smearing and the doxing of jurors, judges, and witnesses. And worse, elected officials have taken to their official government social media accounts to publicly target those who carried out their solemn duties in New York City at great risk to themselves.

And worse, my governor, both my United States senators, my congressperson (Rep. Andy Ogles), and numerous state legislators have joined the online mob on my dime and my time.

Here’s the glimmer. I refer to Tennessee Attorney General Jonathan Skrmetti. I am pleased to note that, at least for now, on this one issue, he appears to be resisting the pressure to cave to those who would make of the Republican party a criminal protection racket.

“Statehood means a person taking responsibility for governing themselves while also participating as part of the broader nation…Remember you are the most powerful person in Tennessee. Use your power wisely.” That’s Skrmetti lifting his voice late last week. (Re: “Statehood Day reminds Tennesseans they are masters, not the victims, of government,” by Jonathan Skrmetti, guest opinion column, The Tennessean, May 31).

In his guest opinion column, the attorney general wrote: “Remember you are the most powerful person in Tennessee.”

Thanks for saying so, Attorney General Skrmetti. Do you mean it? I hope you’ll prioritize the safety and the thriving of Tennesseans over these outside interests for whom you seem to have so much energy. We live in hope.

In any case, I’m heartened that AG Skrmetti has demonstrated a small degree of resistance to the violent course his party has staked out. I hope it lasts.