Nevada GOP’s bylaws bar support for convicted felons. It made an exception for Trump.

Chairman Michael McDonald said the board met to waive the bylaws, but the vote is still subject to ratification.

The Nevada Republican Party’s bylaws explicitly prevent it from supporting convicted felons, but the party made a special exception for former President Donald Trump, who was convicted last week of 34 felony charges.

The party is actively promoting a Trump campaign rally scheduled in Las Vegas this weekend and even went so far as to issue a statement defending Trump after the conviction was announced.

“The partisan farce that unfolded today can be described as nothing short of a radicalized campaign stunt born of a highly conflicted trial,” the statement said at the time. “We stand in complete support of President Donald J. Trump and resist the charges upheld in today’s judgment.”

Article 16 of the state party bylaws on the group’s website stipulates that the party “shall neither recognize nor support any candidate for public office who has been convicted of a felony or, while serving in a public office, was impeached and convicted or removed from office for any reason.” 

The article, however, includes a provision that the party can waive the rule with a two-thirds majority vote of members and delegates present at the GOP state convention or the Nevada Republican Central Committee (NRCC). 

“The NVGOP reiterates our full support and endorsement for Donald J Trump to replace Joe Biden as the 47th President of the United States,” McDonald said.
