Doctors Shocked, Covid Vaccines Make People XXXXXX — Study

In a video interview filmed Saturday, Japanese Neuroscientist Dr. Hiroto Komano discussed a South Korean study that indicates the Covid vaccines effectively slow down or ‘retard’ the brain’s neurologic functions, leading to diseases clinically referred to as dementia, cognitive impairment and Alzheimer’s disease.

“Regarding replicon and mRNA vaccines, I would like to discuss their connection with dementia. This is something I strongly wish to share,” Komano said. “The incidence of mild cognitive impairment has more than doubled.”

The doctor then went on to discuss the study that indicates significant increases of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and mild cognitive impairment (MCI) in those injected with the mRNA gene therapy shots.

“Findings showed an increased incidence of MCI and AD in vaccinated individuals, particularly those receiving mRNA vaccines, within three months post-vaccination. The mRNA vaccine group exhibited a significantly higher incidence of AD (Odds Ratio [OR]: 1.225; 95% Confidence Interval [CI]: 1.025-1.464; p = 0.026) and MCI (OR: 2.377; CI: 1.845-3.064; p < 0.001) compared to the unvaccinated group. No significant relationship was found with vascular dementia or Parkinson’s disease,” the study said in the ‘Results’ section.

Komano clarified that MCI really just means mild dementia, which is the precursor to full blown dementia.


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