Energy prices in France turn negative as surging renewable output takes nuclear plants offline

  • French energy prices fell into negative territory on an overflow of renewable power, Bloomberg reported.
  • Day-ahead prices hit a four-year low of -€5.76 per megawatt-hour in one auction.
  • That caused some French nuclear plants to go offline ahead of the weekend.

Day-ahead energy prices in France fell into negative territory amid surging renewable power production, Bloomberg reported.

The prices, which are locked in before their operating day, fell to a four-year low of -€5.76 a megawatt-hour in an Epex Spot auction.

While soaring wind and solar generation are to blame, demand is also expected to fall between through the weekend. The imbalance has pressured a state-owned utility company Electricite de France to shut off a number of nuclear reactors. Already, three plants were halted, with plans to take three others offline.



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