Jon Stewart Busts ‘Right-Wing Motherf**kers’ Like Trump Over 1 Huge Lie

“The Daily Show” host tore into conservatives over a major hypocrisy on a key talking point.

Crime is down around the nation ― but as “Daily Show” host Jon Stewart pointed out on Monday night, right-wing networks such as Fox News and politicians such as Donald Trump are pretending otherwise.

Trump last week called Milwaukee ― site of this year’s Republican National Convention ― a “horrible city,” then later claimed he was talking about crime, which is actually declining there.

“But here’s the thing, and I say this with all due respect: The balls of these right-wing motherfuckers,” he said. “Talking about how there’s too much gun crime and chaos in our Democratic cities when Republicans are the ones who’ve enabled the flood of illegal weaponry into our cities in the first place.”

Stewart said the problems don’t begin in cities such as New York.

“Ninety-three percent of the illegal guns used in crimes in New York City aren’t from here,” he said. “They ― like theater majors ― have come here to make a name for themselves.”

Many illegal guns used in New York come from states with lax gun laws such as Georgia, Florida and South Carolina.
