Wouldn’t ya think?

You’d think that people who followed a religion that had a holy book claiming the existence of a deity that commanded for genocide, race-based slavery, public-participation torture-to-death-frenzies, the killing of active homosexuals, forcing a rape victim to marry her rapist, the torture to death of a rape victim because she didn’t scream loudly enough and the treating of women as second class citizens (a deity that, according to the book, also planned to have most people who ever lived tortured for eternity) might keep their traps shut about morality, wouldn’t you? Well, wouldn’t you?

Instead, many boldly try to make some sort of an argument for this deity’s existence based upon morality, and yet more argue that atheists don’t have any justification to denounce morally repugnant things like… well, see above.

Wouldn’t you think they’d keep schtum about morality?