How Team Trump is ‘bravely’ going where Republicans have never gone before — into the black community — with swing-state cigar nights

Two prominent Donald Trump supporters in Congress are going “to bravely go where no conservative and a Republican has gone in the last 30 years” — the black community — as new polls show the former president tripling his support among African-American voters.

A sportscaster-turned-political-commentator will join the pair next week, The Post can exclusively reveal, for a swing-state event the black congressmen hope will galvanize support for Trump against a Democratic incumbent they characterize as old, racist and uniquely unsuited to the presidency.

Get-out-the-vote events take many forms, but the alliteratively titled “Cigars, Cognac, and Congress,” to be held in the Atlanta market on the eve of Trump and President Biden’s first debate, is intended to spotlight differences between the former and current presidents and ultimately motivate black voters in a swing state that’s been a GOP challenge in recent cycles.

Texas Rep. Hunt, who is leading Team Trump’s black-voter efforts, outlines the strategy.

“We were in Philadelphia for Pennsylvania. Now we’re in Atlanta, we’re gonna go to Milwaukee next before the [Republican convention]. So what we’re trying to do is focus on areas where we know we can peel off between 25% and 30% of the black vote and then mathematically Democrats can’t win. My team and I are spearheading this outreach to actually go to the belly of the beast, to bravely go where no conservative and a Republican has gone in the last 30 years,” Hunt said.

“And that’s to go to the black community, who has been pummeled by these poor policies by the Biden administration, and explain to them why a vote for President Trump in November is going to be a vote for prosperity and it’s going to be not good for just black Americans, but it’s going to be good for all Americans.”

Peeling off black voters from the Democrats is a recurrent Republican challenge, but it’s one Hunt believes is doable given recent trends.

“It’s a math conversation,” Hunt explained. “We’ve been looking at polling and trends for the past two years. President Trump in 2020 got 18.7% of the black male vote. If we get that number to 25% to 30%, then mathematically Democrats can’t win.”


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