‘I’m going to interrupt you on the facts’: CNN’s Abby Phillip sets MAGA lawmaker straight

After claiming that Black families were more unified under Jim Crow-era laws than they are today, Rep. Byron Donalds (R-FL) then argued that President Joe Biden’s policies have kneecapped Black Americans compared to when Donald Trump was in power.

“Where we are today — America is trying to have the economic policies and the public policies so that all people can thrive,” he said during an appearance on CNN’s NewsTonight with Abby Philip. “And if you’re actually going to compare economic policies and public policies between the 45th president and 46 president, it’s without question, they were better under the 45th.”

“I’m going to interrupt you on the facts, Congressmen,” she told him. “The black unemployment rate was the lowest in American history under Joe Biden…. The poverty rate for Black people is the lowest under Joe Biden’s [administration]. So you cannot say empirically for Black people that from a financial level things were better under Trump.”

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Article URL : https://www.msn.com/en-au/news/other/i-m-going-to-interrupt-you-on-the-facts-cnn-s-abby-phillip-sets-maga-lawmaker-straight/ar-BB1nJKDq