On Juneteenth, Let’s Examine the Link Between MAGA and the Old South

Have you noticed how rarely Republicans talk about actual issues? They rant about brown people pouring over the Southern border but refuse to even discuss what could be done about it. In fact, when the Senate came up with a workable solution, Republicans killed it at the insistence of Donald Trump. No policies, no solutions other than a Nazi-like roundup of 11 million people and a series of concentration camps.

They complain about the state of the economy but have no arguments about what can be done to enhance the economy other than more tax cuts for billionaires, who are already paying a pathetic average 3.4 percent income tax.

They whine that our students aren’t doing well but refuse to engage in any serious discussion about how to take us back to the era when America had the newest and most successful public education system in the world.

They’ll yell about prescription drug prices and the high cost of insurance, but their only policy suggestion is to end Obamacare and Medicaid. They love to slander Black Lives Matter and big cities with large Black populations but refuse to even entertain a conversation about healing the racial divide in this country; instead, their efforts are directed toward outlawing or decertifying Black History classes, as just happened in South Carolina.

All of this is because the GOP is now a post-politics party.

Democrats—and Americans more generally—must finally realize that Trump’s MAGA GOP is no longer interested in policy or politics but solely wants to seize absolute political and economic power to end our democracy and reinvent the Confederacy.

Best in Moderation

Article URL : https://newrepublic.com/article/182890/juneteenth-maga-old-south