RFK Jr.’s running mate Nicole Shanahan’s baffling reasons why she’d be a great president

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s running mate Nicole Shanahan rattled off a series of baffling reasons in an interview Thursday about why she would make a great president if she had to step into the role — including her knowledge of “batteries” and “world religions.”

Speaking to Elex Michaelson on Fox 11’s The Issue in her first major TV interview since joining Kennedy Jr.’s presidential ticket, Shanahan discussed basic policy issues and her personal life.

Michaelson asked Shanahan, 38, what experiences she’d had that would make her fit for president if, in a “worst-case scenario,” she had to lead the country.

Nicole Shanahan was asked why she’d make a good commander-in-chief, and her answers were baffling.YouTube / Elex Michaelson

“I think that I have a very sophisticated view on foreign affairs due to my previous work in intellectual property law (sic),” she said.

“I understand how global commerce works. I understand how we build batteries around the world.”

Her reasons as to why she’d make a great commander-in-chief became increasingly perplexing as she went on.

“I understand the importance of semiconductors. I understand that big foreign policy decisions are made specifically around semiconductors, and I also am multicultural,” she continued.

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