Bill Maher Admits Biden’s ‘Pandering’ Isn’t Working – What He Says Spells Big Trouble for Joe

Bill Maher thinks that Biden shouldn’t have run; that he should have stepped aside. He’s still suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome. But he hasn’t been shy about expressing his concerns about Biden’s campaign and how he thinks he’s going to lose.

On Friday, he listed more reasons as to why he thought Biden’s campaign was heading for failure — that he’s losing the people who are supposed to be in his camp to pocketbook issues.

Maher called out Biden for pandering but said it wasn’t working because he was losing all those people he needed. That he lost 14 points with Hispanics going from 59 percent in 2020 to 45 percent now, according to Maher.

Maher also made the obvious point that seems to fly right over the head of most Democratic politicians like Biden. They don’t seem to see “Latinos as Americans” who care about the border too, he said, noting Trump has a 23-point edge with Latinos on the issue of border security.

That’s “kind of racist,” he observed. Indeed.

But that’s the Democrats who just see people as “groups” to pander to or to try to control. Biden doesn’t know how to deal with people as Americans and not as “groups,” that’s why there’s a different background/origin story that he has for every “group” as opposed to just making things better for Americans.