Bill Maher Questions Media Constructed Pro Biden Polling

During his Friday broadcast on HBO, apparently Bill Maher started to catch on to the issue of fake media polling. Maher questions how Biden could be losing big percentages of his core constituency (by demographic), yet suddenly be polling ahead of Trump. It just doesn’t make sense.

Bill Maher: “45% of Hispanic voters prefer Biden, compared to 39% for Trump. Last time, he won 59%. That was 2020. So, he’s lost 14 points there. He went to Morehouse, he said, ‘What is democracy if you have to be ten times better than anyone else to get a fair shot?’ That seems like pandering to me. Black voters under 50, he led by 80 points in 2020. Now, by 37, still a lot, but he’s lost 43 points off the key constituency.”

“Student loans, he’s forgiven $144 billion in student loans, only 36% of student debt holders like it. I mean, If you can’t win the people you’re pandering to — I mean, I get it, politics is somewhat about pandering. That’s not even an insult. You’re supposed to do what people want to a certain degree, also be a leader, but if you’re not winning these groups, and he’s lost 8% off women since 2020. And yet, I read in the polls, he’s pulled ahead this week. Explain that to me.”

There’s nothing to explain.  Media polling has always been manipulated in order to advance a specific narrative.  Obviously, with the Trump New York Lawfare case now concluded with the outcome desired, the media intent is to give the appearance that Trump support has diminished.

Media polling, like the outlets who pay for it, is generally a fake construct.